Raport Semestrial 2023
Bilant iunie 2023Declaratie conducereRaport Financiar Semestrial
Documente actionariat 08 2023
Raport curent Proiect al Hotararii AGEA nr 1 Proiect al Hotararii AGEA nr 2 Procura speciala persoana fizica Procura speciala persoana juridica Nota pct 2 si 3 AGEA aug2023 Anexa la nota pct 2 si 3 Plan - anexa la nota 2 si 3 Nota pct 4 si 5 AGEA aug2023 Buletin de vot persoane fizice Buletin de vot persoane juridice Shareholders documents 08 2023 NOTICE FOR EGMS MATERIAL FOR EGMS Project of the EGMS Special power of mandatory for individual persons Special power of mandatory for legal persons Ballot paper for individual persons EGMS Ballot paper for legal persons EGMS
Documente actionariat 05 2023
Numire Presedinte Consiliu de Administratie